Fighting Chance – Reventure Mini Review – A Little Game with a Lot of Replayability

Welcome to Fighting Chance TURBO EDITION! In this series we’ll be taking a very quick look at
smaller games that might not have much to them but are worth talking about nonetheless.
The first game in this review series is Reventure, a little adventure game by Pixelatto.

At first, Reventure might seem like a bit of a ripoff. You know, like those low budget games you
see sometimes that “take inspiration” from other popular titles. You start off as a little chap in a
green tunic who has to save a princess in an open world. You get a shield and a legendary sword
early on and on your adventure you pick up new gear that’ll help in solving puzzles. However,
Reventure is not all it seems.

Reventure is not really an adventure game at all. You’ll notice this the first time you die. Likely
you’ll be killed when you grab a piece of gear and a funny little cutscene starts showing Tim being
crushed under the weight of all his ‘essential’ gear. At this point the game tells you you’ve found
ending 1 of 100 and there are 99 more to get. So, saving the princess isn’t your only goal, you’ve got
to find 100 ways to end the game.

This is genius! Such a unique mechanic turns what would be a decent adventure game into a
hilarious puzzle/adventure. You see even though there is combat, the main focus is on finding out
how to use the items you get to end the game. And a lot of the time they’re hilarious. For example,
at one point you can climb onto the top of the king’s castle and make your way up onto the chimney.

At this point you’re able to drop down the chimney and drop off a load of presents to the guards
inside. You even unlock a santa outfit after doing this. That’s just another neat little feature. A lot of
the endings will unlock new costumes, characters or even have a permanent impact on the world.
Like having a beanstalk grow that you can climb up, or seeing the dead guard outside the castle.

Reventure is without a doubt one of the most creative and unique games we’ve played in a long
time. It takes a standard formula, turns it on its head and manages to make it work. It’s also one of
the funniest games we’ve ever played. Sometimes an ending’s cutscene was enough to make us
laugh, sometimes it was from the surprise of finding out that crazy idea we had actually worked. And that’s another thing we liked too. Reventure feels so rewarding.

The world of Reventure is filled with little nooks and crannies to explore. Every time you find a
new area you’ll see a few things and realise you can use certain items on them. Given that you can only carry 4 items at a time, there is a lot of backtracking. However, the world is so small that it
usually only takes a few minutes to get back to where you need to be. You never feel like you have
to spend hours getting back to that one spot to use whatever item you needed. Every play through is
short and sweet.

That said, it’ll still take a while to get through all of them, especially given the amount of trial anderror you’ll have to do. We got about 70 endings on our first play session and that still took us 6
hours. And we’re excited to spend another few hours finding the rest.

In conclusion, we highly recommend Reventure, especially as it’s only a couple of quid on
steam. The game is funny and silly and not to be taken seriously but it definitely has enough charm
to make it enjoyable. And if we enjoy the story of this little traveler…and the numerous deaths we
put him through, doesn’t that make the adventure worth it?

And if you’d like to buy Reventure you can do so HERE!


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